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Draft Parks & Amenities Strategy

Earlier this year, we asked how you and the people in your community currently use the existing parks, trails, playgrounds and public toilets in the Mackenzie District, what you like about them, and what you think is missing.

We've incorporated that feedback into a draft strategy document, and would now like for you to share what you think about the draft strategy for the Mackenzie District’s parks and amenities.

We used your insights to develop a draft strategy that sets out what we’ll do across the district, including those communities outside of the main townships, over the next 10 to 20 years.

The draft Mackenzie District Parks and Amenities Strategy outlines the priorities and goals, the framework for decision-making, the level of investment needed, and a priority plan for the delivery each of identified projects.

Before we finalise the strategy, we want to check in and see whether we’ve missed anything. You can do this by heading to our engagement website and either completing the survey or asking a question. We’ll use your feedback to refine the strategy.

Feedback closes Tuesday 21 December 2021.

Find out more here.