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Tekapo lake-front path upgrades

You might have seen the work we have been doing to improve the paths along the front at Lake Tekapo. Work is progressing well and should be finished before Christmas.

We are:

  • Constructing a new concrete shared path (2.5m wide) along lakefront reserve which will connect to existing concrete paths.
  • Closing the road between Lakeside Drive and the outlet boat ramp carpark to traffic, and converting it to a shared path with a gravel surface.
  • Creating carparks at the western end of the road (lakeside drive end) and boat ramp carpark.
  • Making a new pedestrian shared path along the western side of the road, to the outlet boat ramp carpark.
  • Putting in landscaping adjacent to the domain playground.
Tekapo Lakefront paths

Tekapo Lakefront paths

Tekapo Lakefront paths
Tekapo Lakefront pathsTekapo Lakefront paths