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Tekapo Yellow Recycling Bin Clip Roll-out

With the implementation of the new green organic bins within the Tekapo township bin collection zone, focus is being given to the yellow recycling bin lids.

Traditionally, due to Tekapo’s wind conditions, yellow recycling bin lids have been held in place using bungee cords.

With Envirowaste’s bin collection trucks moving to an ‘automatic arm’ side loading system for yellow recycling bins, bungee cords are no longer to be used, due to incompatibility with the new system.

There are further safety and time issues with bungee cords, the collection truck driver leaving the cab to undo cords each time a yellow recycling bin is collected.

To replace bungee cords, Council are rolling out a new bin clip system to all yellow bins within the Tekapo township bin collection zone.

Yellow bin clipsThe bin clip, made from rubber, is physically attached to the bin and is designed to keep the bin lid closed when out in the wind, though releases when the bin is tipped into the bin truck. The bin clips are used for bin collections in several areas throughout New Zealand where there are strong wind conditions.

The first bin clip roll-out occured on Wednesday 30 March, with a second roll-out taking place on Wednesday 13 April.

A later date may be advised for bins not fitted with clips in the first and second rollouts.

For the contractors to install the clips, yellow recycling bins are to be left out at the kerb side until 5pm.

The bin clip rollout is taking place in Tekapo only at this time, though may extend to other bin collection zones in due course.