Closing Ohau Road Hill banner image

Closing Ohau Road Hill - March 2023

Because of safety concerns, we are asking the public to stop using the hill area on the western side of Ohau Road, Twizel.

The trees are growing on what was originally a spoil heap and there are safety concerns around the stability of the ground and shallow rooted trees. This means that there are significant risks from falling trees and loose rocks to people using the area, and the footpath and road below.

We are closing this area effective immediately to protect public safety.

Our contractors will be removing the informal structures that have been built in the area and these can be picked up from the grassed area on the corner of Ohau and Ostler Roads from between Saturday 18 March and Sunday 26 date.  After 26 March any remaining structures will be disposed of.

However, we are in the process of developing Man Made Hill in Twizel and the finished design includes provision for bikes and walkers.