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Mackenzie DC look at climate change adaptation and mitigation

Council have begun work to develop a climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and plan for the Mackenzie District.

These will provide a practical approach to support the Mackenzie District to prepare and respond to the challenges of climate change. Chief Executive, Angela Oosthuizen said ‘We have already experienced how our climate is changing with the intensity and frequency of severe weather events increasing and how that impacts our infrastructure.  We also know understanding the impacts for Mackenzie is important so we can adequately develop an action plan for the resilience of our infrastructure and our future.’

Council successfully applied for and received funding for the preparation of a climate change adaptation and mitigation strategy and plan from the Three Waters Better Off Fund. The Better Off Fund supports communities to transition to a sustainable and low-emissions economy, by building resilience to climate change and natural hazards.

To inform the Strategy and Plan, a Climate Change Analysis and Literature Review has been done for the Mackenzie District to understand how the effects of climate change are expected be felt across the district.

Working with mana whenua, community stakeholders, and project partners, the Strategy and Plan will identify the preferred options and pathways for the Mackenzie District to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ‘We want a future where everyone in the Mackenzie District is confident and safe. In the Mackenzie we already know that together we can solve difficult problems. It is also important that we hear what is important to you.’

To develop the Strategy and Plan, the council will be seeking the input from the community. ‘It’s really important that the adaptation and mitigation actions are created with the community, for the community. It’s an essential aspect of responding to climate change together. Throughout the process we want to hear from the community about what matters most as we respond to climate change and what we can practically do about it.’

Information about the project and opportunities to provide input and participate can be found on Council’s ‘Let’s Talk, Kōrero mai Mackenzie’ website.